Dr. Priya Ganesh Kumar
Medical Director Sai Niwas Health Care (India).
Dr. Priya Ganesh Kumar
Medical Director Sai Niwas Health Care (India).
Introduction of the topic , signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, Risk factors of cervical cancer,Importance of screening,Latest FIGO Classification of cervical cancer.
Explanation of different terminologies Squamous Epithelium, Columnar Epithelium,SCJ Different types Transformation Zone TZ,Congenital TZ, Metaplasia, Dysplasia, Punctations, Mosaics,Crypt Openings, Hyperkeratic patches, and the clinical significance of each terminology.
Explanation of CIN, Evolution of various classification of Precancerous lesions, Natural course of CIN,Explanation of coarse punctations, coarse mosaics, Representation in Cartier diagram
Instruments used in colposcopy, steps of colposcopy with its relevance, science of colposcopy interpretations,Normal and abnormal blood vessel patterns, colposcopy in challenging cases like Menopausal age grp, Endocervical speculum Examination, Video of colposcopy procedure.
Different scoring systems- REID,IFCPC,SWEDE Scoring system, Demonstrating the actual methodology of scoring in CIN cases, Importance of scoring system.Case based discussions.
Importance of LBC,limitations of conventional pap test, LBC procedure, cytology slide interpretation, Indepth knowledge of HPV virus, its three different stages in human cells,Relevance of E6 &E7 m RNA,Biology of Tumour Oncogenetics.Video on Collection of Cervical Scrape
Relevance of different types of HPV test available commercially, Optimizing the use of cytology, HPV in our day to day clinical practice, Case discussions.
Indepth discussion of various procedures like Thermoacautery, Cryocautery, LEEP,LLETZ with videos of these procedures performed by Dr. Priya Ganesh Kumar
Discussion of different levels of prevention, VIA/VILI interpretation during screening programs,See and treat, screen and treat,Different guidelines,MOHFW GOI guidelines of screening, GCPR guidelines.